Ginga Mundo Capoeira Marseille

Mestre Sabiá

Mestre Sabiá - Mestre de Capoeira, fondateur du groupe Ginga Mundo

President of the NGO Mandinga (Integrated Association of Education, Arts and Sports) and Coordinator of the Capoeira Association Ginga Mundo, Jair Oliveira of Faria Junior, better known by his Capoeirist nickname Mestre Sabiá, has been practicing Capoeira since 1985 and started teaching in 1989 in clubs and academies.

As one of the pioneers of Capoeira with children in Europe, he was invited in 1990 to develop his work in Hamburg, Germany, where he stayed for two years. His experience with this audience makes Mestre Sabiá a reference in the teaching of Capoeira to children.

In his home town of Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, he teaches Capoeira in private kindergartens, and helps hundreds of low-income young people in disadvantaged communities. In both environments, he focuses, in a fun way, on the fundamentals, the characteristics and the traditions of the Capoeira, thanks to a methodology that favors the global development of its students. Among the private educational institutions with which he has been working for the longest time, there are for example the Gurilândia School (since 1992), and the Módulo Criarte School (since 2008).

Mestre Sabiá is always present during conferences, seminars, courses and Capoeira baptisms, as well as during Brazilian cultural exchanges, participating as an athlete, organizer, speaker and judge:

  • - In 1999 he won the second place at the "IInd ABADÁ-Capoeira World Games" in Rio de Janeiro.
  • - In 2001, he was champion of the "IIIrd ABADÁ-Capoeira World Games". The same year, he had the privilege to see his work recorded in the files of the GUGGENHEIM museum.
  • - In 2002, 2004 and 2008, he was founded and organized the first three "Capoeira Ginga Mundo International Meetings" at Pelourinho, in Salvador.
  • - In 2004, he was invited by the Brazilian government to present himself, as well as the NGO Mandinga, to the president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva.
  • - He is also the founder of the annual event "Vadeia Mundo Vadeia" which promotes comradeship. This event has been happening in Europe since 2006 with the participation of great Mestres and Capoeiristes from all continents.
  • - In 2013 he became the organizer of another big event, the Rede Capoeira. Held in Salvador, Capoeira stronghold, the event brought together Professors and Mestres from several countries to discuss the need to strengthen Capoeira as an identity element of Bahian and Brazilian culture. It is also an international meeting that allows the various entities of the Ginga Mundo group to meet.

International work

Mestre Sabiá provides courses every year toGinga Mundo Group subsidiaries in Europe, the United States and Australia.

Reunion Island - Mestre Sabia was invited by the French government to introduce and teach Capoeira to the African community. He took the opportunity to compare it to regional wrestles, such as Moringue (very similar to Capoeira) and to raise awareness of the importance of the cultural rescue of Brazil and African diasporas.

South Africa, Johannesburg - The largest art and culture festival in Africa, "Art's Alive", was also the scene of Mestre Sabiá's Capoeira, whom had been invited by the government and the Brazilian Embassy of that country.

South Korea, Chungju - Special guest of "The 4th Chungju World Martial Arts Festival", considered as the largest martial arts festival in the world. Mestre Sabia with a team of ten teachers represented Brazil and Capoeira.

Germany, Stuttgard - At the "Pre-Olympic Stuttgart", a Capoeira event of Mestre Sabia took place in the streets, stadiums and venues of Stuttgart.

Martinique and Guadeloupe - In 2008, he was invited by the French government to carry out cultural exchanges and provide courses of Capoeira in these countries with Ladja and Mayole demonstrations of local culture.

Others - Spain, France, Portugal, United States, Canada, Israel, Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Japan, Morocco, Mexico, Chile, England, Australia, Cuba and the Netherlands. In all the countries mentioned, Mestre Sabiá participates in workshops, shows, conferences and research, always making Capoeira an important legacy of Brazilian culture.