Attracted from his childhood by sports, Hulk began the martial arts very early by practicing Judo, Ju-Jitsu and Boxing. It is only later that he discovered Capoeira. Since that day it is an integral part of his life. He rapidly got closer to a Brazilian Mestre (Master) in Marseille to start training with him. In order to improve his technique and pedagogy, he then joined another group and oriented his studies towards the sports world.
The quality of training is one of Hulk's stated priorities. To achieve the best result, he puts all the assets on his side. He has a university education in the field of sport and obtained a Professional Certificate JEPS-APT and a State brevet.
He practiced and studied Capoeira in various groups and followed the teachings of several great Masters and Professors of international fame.
In 2009 he joined the group created by Mestre Sabiá: Ginga Mundo. In 2011, he obtained the blue rope and the graduation of Monitor. He continues his evolution and obtained, in 2017, the green-purple rope.